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- Create Date Tuesday June 22nd, 2021
- Last Updated 25 November 2022
SuperEarths and searching life beyond Solar System
Super-Earths are extrasolar planets larger than Earth, but smaller than Neptune. They usually move very close to their home star. Their orbit resembles that of Mercury or may be smaller Some of them move much further, in particular inside the habitable zone, i.e. in a place where water, if it occurs on its surface, may be in a liquid state. Given the fact that they are probably planets made up of components similar to Earth, they can be a potential place for life.
The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize students with the methods of discovering extrasolar planets, to indicate those exoplanets (in particular Super-Earths) where favorable conditions for the existence of life may occur.
Super-Earths and searching life beyond Solar System_lesson outline
Worksheet - SuperEarths and searching life beyond Solar System